Email Pope Benedict XVI...By Heinz Tschabitscher,
(i placed this since i found this interesting and even though it doesn't directly involves technological innovation it just shows the "innovation" in the VATICAN, that even priests and the POPE use EMAIL)
The email address of Pope Benedict XVI is
It is unlikely you will receive a personal response if you send an email to the pope, but the Holy See does read, collect and route all mail. The Pope possibly has another private email address inside the Vatican.
Pope John Paul II, the First Pope of the Internet Age
When Karol Józef Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II in 1978, email was still in its infancy. The first email had been written seven years ago, but barely a handful of people knew computer networks existed at all. Yet, John Paul II became the first email-savvy pontiff in history.

In late 2001, the pope reportedly apologized for injustices committed by the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania via email. Of course, the Holy Father would have preferred to visit the Pacific nations and deliver his words of penitence in person, but email was the second-best choice.
What was John Paul II's Email Address?
Pope John Paul II's email address was

7 ViOLenT reActioNs (commentaries Poh)