If Ninendo WII showcased innovation, PLAYSTATION 3 Brought the FUTURE. The playstation 3 is a gaming console and a successor to the late famous ps2, boasting power 40x better, not only does it innovate CPU power and GRAPHICS capability but it also brought the latest CD technology, the BLU-RAY.
The BLU-RAY boasts 50 gb of cd space which is the same as 71 700mb cds and 11 4.7gb DVDs. its appearance is the same as a DVD but uses a blue laser which increases the Blu-rays capabilities. The PS3 is often called a supercomputer since it contains 8 CPU's(cell broadband engine or commonly known as SPE's/synergistic processing elements) each with 3.2 Ghz of power. It is used by some scientists as a alternative supercomputer for doing their calculations and experiments like simulating nuclear explotions and the recent "FOLDING @HOME" project where it allows PS3 owners to lend the computing power of their consoles to help study the physical process of protein folding. Recently the Broadband engine of the PS3 has been used to power the fastest supercomputer today which is nicknamed, THE ROADRUNNER that has a processing power capable of processing one thousand trillion calculations per second making it 2x faster than the world's (was) fastest super computer, THE BLUE GENE by IBM. This PS3 is really a technical innovation and also a great home theater system that boasts HD quality pictures that provides 10x clearer images than regular TV's images, a 7.1 suround sound support, free DSL internet, personalization and a lot more. So what are you reading for, BUY one now or you'll regret the day that you turned a cold shoulder on a ever INNOVATIVE PS3.

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