People were made to have their likes and hates. I love, I like , I adore and I etc. People don't realize what these words can do, it may seem harmless but truly dangerous if used carelessly. If you say "I love your girlfriend," a smack in the face will be the reply. "I love your ugly nose," a slap will be delivered. Oh how words can hit, but nothing hits deeper than the words of Favoritism. When a father likes your sister more than you it drives you crazy, it makes you wanna tear her head off and remove her from the face of the Earth, however favoritism may bear hatred but it also bears fruitful lessons. A person becomes challenged from the jealousy she gains, in the end you gain unknown knowledge from all that rage of yours and instead of being lost and forgotten, you gain personal control and unbenkownst maturity. But, the down side of it all is not the hatred but the feeling of loneliness. People unnoticed become raged to the point it turns to loneliness. Don't mistake loneliness from being alone, no one is even alone in the beginning anyways. Your loneliness brings death to your noggin', nothing good comes out of it. People who make you feel this way don't have a clue about your inner thoughts nor your feelings, that's the worst of all. You battle this challenge alone, and feign a smile because you don't want them to have the idea of you being weak, it makes you sick of yourself. Jealousy, that's the word. A feeling born from praise, a hidden lock that's broken, a sickening remorse. Praise will only last with consistency in excellence but when that "consistency" falters, you break. People nurtured in that environment have a hard time accepting failure, but nonetheless utterly bittersweet. But, anyways that's what life is about anyway, there are people at the top and there are those at the bottom, it keeps balance. Oh, and another thing; Pride is a mark of a person's existence, it shows his/her uniqueness from others, but I beg to differ. Anyways, I am a mature person or so i speak. Therefore, I'l share this quotation to you from a book I recently read entitled, The Catcher In the Rye. It goes like this, "An immature person dies nobly for a cause but a mature person learns to live humbly with one." Do you get it? This is all for those deprived people out there, and it simply means learn to accept reality as it is no matter how twisted the principles.