As my life in blissful innocence ends, my road to adulthood begins to bloom. I can hardly tell if Fate’s smiling or trying to feign a smirk that provokes me. But one thing’s for sure, it makes me think of Me. Not the Me now, nor the Me yesterday, but the Me tomorrow. However it may be vain, never evergreen, nonetheless because of this, Fate made its face clearer to me. It conspired to show me what I’ll be and not I’ll fail to be. Fate helped me prophesized my own personal legend, in contrast to its neglectful nature of giving turning points to destiny. Yet, we make the choices. People may blame Fate, but your ink is on the paper. What made me think of Me, as someone, not as Narcissus, neither Venus, but as Apollo; a messenger of destiny, a messenger of Me.
Me- the choices we made in life, the trials, the doubts, the original mistake...this is a embodiment of all this ideals.
Fate- a personification of the coincidences in life that we consider as a force that drives us to a particular happening which most people blame upon but actually a condensation of different Me's that creates an opposing force to a Me.

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