Lex Venture: a Crossword Caper
Eugene and his friends invented the Word Machine for the school's Science Fair. But when they go out of to have some snacks, a jealous Thief breaks into the lab, damages the Word Machine and steals the plans and remaining parts! Now, the kids must go after the thief and retrieve their project before the Science Fair begins!
Mechanics of the game:
The parts have been scattered out across 37 different stages and it’s up to the player to gather them together. Each stage is set out in a grid formation and the player must build “word bridges” out of a random set of letter tiles that they will walk across. It’s not as easy as it sounds, especially when you have to go left or up. Sometimes you run into tight spaces and it can get tough to come up with words that are long enough to reach your destination as you spread out across the level. Other obstacles crop up in the form of puddles and rocks that you can’t place tiles on. Then, you have the bullies and dogs to contend with. Dogs will grab the parts and move them around the stage while bullies will smash a letter tile — usually the first or last tile — of the words you build, essentially limiting how far you can travel. It gets really tough but you have ways of contending with these obstacles. Bombs can clear paths out of the debris scattered throughout a stage and will also send dogs and bullies back to their starting points. Other powerups include a bunch of balloons which certain characters can use to float to different areas of the stage. These powerups are limited, of course, so you’ll have to use them wisely. Over the course of the game you’ll have to deal with 5 bosses that will really put your vocabulary and spelling to the test, so be ready to face a tough challenge!
What will you get from it?
Lex Venture is a fun mix of board crossword games like Scrabble and Upwords with elements of puzzles. The player can use letters created by the Word Machine to spell words on the board. Spelled words create paths that will guide the kids to catch all the parts of the Machine.
It features a built-in dictionary that explains the meaning of words as they are spelled out on the board. Keep in mind, it doesn’t cheat — it won’t tell you how to spell a word, but it can be big help when you aren’t sure if the word you’re trying to spell is a real word or not. This is very helpful for those moments when you don’t seem to have enough letters and find yourself in a real pinch.
* 42 stages of crossword fun
* 5 Characters to play with: Kevin, Jimi, Rocky, Nina and Eugene
* 5 encounters with the treacherous Thief
* 5 Boss Battles that will challenge your word knowledge!
* 3 power-up items and 3 super-special items
* 3 power combos, activated by long words!
* Quick play mode for casual matches
* More than 30 beautiful backgrounds
* Comprehensive dictionary, more than 100,000 words!
* 12 different enemies that will challenge your word-spelling skills.
* Innovate 2007 - Creative Story Award
* Fun for One or the Whole Family
Well, if you find it interesting, just visit the Lex Venture: a Crossword Caper website at www.bangoutgames.com.
Kazounds is a musical memory game that gets you to copy the sounds you hear. It's a fun activity for kindergarten or preschool kids as well as older music appreciators. Each button has a different color and tone, and will light up when it is played. The goal of this game is to repeat the tones you hear in the order you hear them.
How to Play:
1. Pick the type of sound for the game. You can use the arrows to scroll through your options. To have sounds play randomly select "?!".
2. Pick the difficulty level at the top of the window. You can choose one of three levels: 1 = slow; 2 = medium; 3 = fast.
Note: You cannot change the difficulty level once the game has started.
3. Click the big "K" in the middle to start playing.
4. Listen for the tone and watch for the flashing light. Repeat the order of what you have seen and heard by clicking the correct button. For each button you click that's correct, you earn one point. See how many points you can collect.
5. To start over, click the Reset button in the bottom left corner of the screen. The Reset button looks like an arrow.
6. To exit the game, click the Close button at the top of the window.
What will you get from it?
This game can enhance you sense of hearing and to listen carefully to the sounds, thus , making you sensitive to them.Also, it improves your memory, especially in sounds.
If you find it interesting, just try to download it at http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/music/games/game_kazounds.html.
BasketMath V3 Plus 
An entertaining mathematics practice test in a basketball game format.
BasketMath is a game for users to get excited about learning math. Users are challenged and have FUN while they prepare for standardized math test questions.
Mechanics and Background:
The object of the game is for the home team to score more points than the visiting team. You score points when you get the questions right, and are entertained by interactive animation screens.
A 3D animated figure dribbles while the player (student) answers the questions. Questions answered correctly result in music, successful goal shot, cheers of the audience, and an increase in the home team's score. Incorrect answers result with the correct answer, a missed basket and visiting team score.
What will you get from it?
BasketMath V3 Plus is based on a subset of questions given on standardized tests. Questions are fashioned from the following Standardized Tests: CAT (California Achievement Test, RCT (New York State Mathematics Regents Competency Test) and COOP (Cooperative Admissions Test). Ideally suited for grades 5-10; the program can also be used to help students brush up their Basic Skills mathematics concepts of standardized tests.
BasketMath V3 Plus covers a wide variety of math concepts to include:addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, whole numbers, writing numbers, signed numbers, number sequences, verbal arithmetic reasoning, and much, much more.
BasketMath has been proven to be an effective diagnostic, drill and practice educational tool.
To download this, if you want, just go to the website at http://www.educational-software-directory.net/game and find it.